Gulshanara School


The school is managed by a Headmistress  with 22  teaching staff under close supervision of a management committee consisting of dedicated educationists and social workers includignMrs Mustary Quasem, Vice Chairman of Newage Garments Ltd. The school is housed in a five storied building owned and constructed by the Foundation. In the initial years, education was provided free of cost. However, a nominal school fee has now been introduced. The school provides text books, exercise books, pencils, etc including mid day Tiffin and school dress to the students free of cost. In addition to regular teaching, the students are encouraged to participate in other faculties such as recitation, debating, painting, music and dance etc to make their education complete and all inclusive. The education given by the school is upto primary level and students qualifying in the PSC examination from this school with good grades are assisted fianancially from the Foundation to continue higher studies. Current enrollment in the school is about 600 students in all casses from kindergarten to Class V.


So far over 4800 students got basic literacy from the school of which 332 students passed JSC and 57 students passed SSC securing enviable grades. These students are now studying in various classes in other institutions   with financial assistance provided by  the Foundation. In 2015, 13 students passed  JSC examination and 32 students passed PSC examination, all securing very high grades.

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Gulshanara School